
This section will introduce youTest to the seven major Chakras and what each of them represents. While the text below barely touches the subject – research and writings on the subject are quite expansive and very interesting. 

Whether one believes Chakras exist or not, the ancient theory and science of the Chakras is very interesting. If you find the subject as fascinating as I do.
I recommend reading WHEELS OF LIFE by
Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

The Sanskrit word Chakra translates as “wheel.” Wheels or circles are found throughout nature and life. The wheel is often representative of balance and order. The main Chakras are wheels of energy located in seven distinct points on our bodies. 

The seven areas are located along the spine and correlate to seven major nerve ganglia that emanate from the spinal column. There are also hundreds of other, smaller Chakras throughout our bodies.

Chakras are linked to the science and practice of yoga. The energy work of Reiki can help open blockages within the body that affect the Chakras.

Energy is flowing and balanced throughout the body when the Chakras are in alignment and, we are in good health physically, mentally and spiritually. When one or more Charkra is not functioning due to mental, emotional and spiritual issues we often suffer the effects of physical ailments.


The 1st Chakra – Sanskrit name is Muladhara (located at the base of the spine) is known as our Root Chakra and is related to our survival instincts. The element associated with this first Chakra is the earth. When we are well grounded we feel safe, secure and nurtured. When this Chakra is out of balance we don’t have that rooted or grounded connection and can feel anxious and unstable. We can develop weight problems, constipation, sciatica, degenerative arthritis and knee issues.

The 2nd Chakra – Sanskrit name is Swadhisthana (located in the lower abdominal) is the Sacral Chakra that relates to our emotions and sexuality. This Chakra’s element is water. The fluidity of this Chakra allows us to easily accept change, brings depth of feeling, grace and sexual fulfillment. Problems with sex drive and performance as well as kidney, bladder uterine and circulatory malfunctions can occur when this Chakra is out of balance.

The 3rd Chakra – Sanskrit name is Manipura (located in the area in the hollow of the rib cage) is the Solar Plexus Chakra and is the ruler of our personal power and drive. This Chakra’s element is fire. This Chakra is in command of our will, autonomy, metabolism and ambition. Self-discipline and good digestion are the result when this Chakra is in balance. Weak will power and stomach problems such as ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia and other digestive disorders result from this Chakra being out of balance.

The 4th Chakra – Sanskrit name is Anahata (located in the heart center) is the Heart Chakra. This is the Chakra that brings us deep love. This Chakra’s element is air. A sound and balanced heart Chakra allows us to feel centered, compassion, peace and joy. An unbalanced Heart Chakra can lead to greed, thoughtlessness and bitterness. Blockages in this Chakra can manifest as heart disease, high blood pressure and lung diseases.

The 5th Chakra – Sanskrit name is Vissudha (located in the throat) is the Throat Chakra and is related to non-verbal and verbal communication. This Chakra’s elements are ether and sound. When this Chakra is in balance communication is clear and easy. The communication can come in the forms of speech, art, or music, etc. The throat and sinuses are affected by a blockage in this Chakra. We can suffer from stiff neck, sore throat, colds, thyroid and hearing problems.

The 6th Chakra – Sanskrit name is Ajna (between the eyebrows) is the Third Eye Chakra. This Chakra governs our sight both physically and intuitively. This Chakra’s element is light. When this Chakra is balanced we have a strong connection with our “gut” feelings, intuition, perception and imagination. When it is out of balance we can feel disconnected and hazy about our intuition, inner feelings and creativity. We might suffer with sight problems, headaches, nightmares.

The 7th Chakra – Sanskrit name is Sahasrara (located at the crown of the head) is our Crown Chakra. This Chakra can bring knowledge, wisdom and spiritual connection. This Chakra’s element is thought. When this Chakra is open we are able to feel our bliss, meditate, transcend and develop conscious thoughtfulness. When this Chakra is not developed or off we can feel alienated, confused, bored, apathetic, depressed and experience difficulty with learning.

The heart Chakra is the center connection between the grounding and stability of the lower Chakras and the insight, compassion and expansiveness of the upper Chakras. All of the Chakras play a role in how well balanced we are. Pain or health issues can give us a clue as to which Chakras may be in need of attention and what emotional, mental and spiritual problems may be the cause.